Wednesday Nov, 27th ( Mercredi 27 Novembre )
Live documentation, captation, curation tools. An open-discussion, live demo and install party moment for people interested in real-time, liquid and democratic computational platforms.

NALA, Jean-Baptiste Labrune :
NALA : open environment to shares files, organize them collaboratively and create storytelling/narrated views out of live events, classes, workshops & hackatons.
To Find all Documents from this page on : ( to send files, login to with login cri & password as same as login but inverted)
To Edit this page: (login cri & password as same as login but inverted – warning, fileloc! an alternative would be to use but not compatible with this version of WordPress… :/ )
To collaboratively Write during the event:
Areas of Real-Time Curation / Documentation

Collaborative Editing

Text Note taking

Visual Note taking

Challenges of Real-Time Curation / Documentation
- An issue older than the internet! pre-Arpanet oNLine System for RTC by Doug Engelbart at SRI:
- Proprietary Web-based tools not reliable (can be terminated anytime, modified or “upgraded”)
- Domain specific Silos (only Twitter or social media based, only Collaborative Editing Based, only file storage like GDrive, Dropbox)
- Often rely on a complex workflow, no “Meta” landing page or dashboard for an overview of all curated content
- Except from some tools ( , RTC tools not focused on StoryTelling nor LiveBlogging.
- Finding an appropriate workflow that works online, offline, live & asynchronously
Some Historical Systems trying to adress content curation & sharing:
Two additional challenges
- Challenges of programming – algorithmic reasoning
- Challenge of memory pattern – thinking in 2.5d – combining Text with Visual in a smooth way
A vision for RTC (real-time curation) / RTS (real-time storytelling) tools

RENKAN, Samuel Huron :
RENKAN : a mindmap / etherpad mash up to produce semantic web, and quickly polemic tweet .
Outil agregation de ressource web :